
Bréfið hennar Láru...

Fékk þetta miðurskemmtilega bréf frá Lara vinkonu minni í Líbanon:

On behalf of a Lebanese Citizen:

Dear friends,

I am writing to you as a helpless human being praying in a country slowly being erased from the surface of life for my salvation, that of my fellow Lebanese brothers and that of my country.

A brief summary from the perspective of a citizen: half of Lebanon is isolated with more than 40 main bridges destroyed, my family in the south has no food to eat, no meat, no bread and the vegetables are very highly priced because of the danger to bring them in, missiles are fired every day and night on many villages in the south. Beirut is harshly being bombarded, a lot of bridges were pulverized even in the capital, the airport is devastatingly damaged as well as all the roads linking Lebanon to the neighbouring country Syria. Today all the sea ports were bombarded and we are imprisoned while many Lebanese are compelled to stay outside Lebanon and many non-Lebanese from all nationalities are compelled to remain in. No food, gas, fuel, or post can reach us. Villages all over the Bekaa and the north are also bombarded and this all has happened in only 3 days!!!

The situation is escalating around the clock! We are now under the threat of chemical intoxication since many fuel storage tanks all over the coastline are being targeted. There is much worst! Kafarshooba and Hetta, two villages in the south are being shelled with prohibited chemical weapons and toxic substances. Villagers who are seeking refuge in occasional shelters, completely isolated with no minimum fundamental supplies, are asked now to inhale through wet textiles, sniff onions and to grind charcoal then put it in wet tissues to protect themselves from intoxication!

Hundreds of civilians were cold-bloodedly targeted and killed on purpose in such a way never seen or imagined before! The most appalling and shocking massacre was when a bus carrying about 25 villagers from Marwaheen was hit by a rocket. They were fleeing their village following an Israeli threat and the UNIFL refused to shelter them! No one of them remained alive! The region of Dahieh (Beirut southern suburb) was completely devastated like Hiroshima… Its inhabitants, or those who are still alive, are fleeing to other regions where public and private schools establishments opened their door to give them refuge…

In light of the foregoing, I feel that words are useless or have lost their meaning….

I am not sure what I am asking for exactly...I don't know if you are aware that the UN meeting on Thursday did not lead to a decision to a cease-fire, which I perceive as contradictory with the very definition of the UN.

All I want is my rights as a human being. What I am asking for is that no matter what the problem is, it should be solved outside the scope of a war.

Is there anything our community of young people can do? Would the governments of the world listen to the voices of the next generation? I really don't know what I am asking for, but I know I am asking for help.

Thank you for reading this, it would already mean a lot to me.

LeMSIC, with the help of some IFMSA Officials (thank you Layal, Claire and Vlad), has prepared a petition, to be sent to the UN, UN Security Council, EU, and other NGOs, institutions and councils working in the field of Human Rights and Peace.

To access and sign the petition, please click on http://www.petitiononline.com/Jul06Leb/petition.html

Let's make a stand for humanity, let's make a stand against war, let's make a stand against crimes..
Please forward to all your members, friends, and families..

God Bless Lebanon

Lara M.N. El-Zahabi, MD
President - LeMSIC
Lebanese Medical Students' International Committee
Vice-President - IFMSA
International Federation of Medical Students' Associations


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